Arrival and Check-In

Friday is the official arrival at the Adelaide Inn, check-in and bicycle assembly.  Shawn will be on hand to assist with your bike assembly and mechanical needs beginning around 2:30 p.m. Camp check-in and swag pick-up will be open at the Gran Fundo table in the parking lot in the late afternoon and likely briefly after dinner.  

Introduce yourself and say “Hi” to Paso Organizers: Letitia Davis, Laura and Bob Temmerman.

The Paso Organizers will likely be leaving at 5:30PM for dinner.  Please send us an email if you plan to arrive after 5:30PM so we know to find you later that evening or in the morning before the ride. 


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Fri, Apr 12, 2024


2:30 PM - 6:00 PM


The Adelaide Inn
1215 Ysabel St, Paso Robles, Ca, 93446


Letitia, Laura, Bob
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